Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Finally a fence!!!

Yesterday our fence was completed!!!! Ruby can no longer scare the neighbor children or people just trying to enjoy a walk, no more notes from the dog warden and best of all no more untangling the tie outs!!!! We can let them go nuts, which is just what they did when we got home last night. I wish I had video but by the time we got home it was dark! Last week it started out with the posts:

and now looks like this.....

It's a bit muddy but the ground should freeze soon.

Can you believe it used to look like this????

and then this.....

then this...

Can't wait for grass, landscaping, a garden and summer days spent in the backyard with the dogs. Most of our friends don't have fenced in yards so they are excited for backyard doggy parties too!

Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving turned out amazing! Somehow I pulled it off and my first turkey was delicious! I used a recipe from a lady at work that consisted of a rub of olive oil, rosemary, basil and garlic. Here is the finished product:

I used an oven bag so the skin wasn't crispy but for my first time I am quite proud. My grandma said it was the best turkey she ever had (I know she has to say that) and I choose to believe her. Here is my table. My grandma was impressed that I knew a proper place setting, I think she forgets about the internet.

Nanny Penney making the flowers I bought look nice. She really is amazing with flower arrangements.

A little pre-dinner game of Blokus. We are now hooked on this game.
 My sisters dogs trying to escape while we ate dinner.

Lucy relaxing.

All and all it was a pretty good day. I think it took all weekend for me to recover and now it's on to Christmas!!!!

Penney has her antlers on and is ready!

Monday, November 22, 2010

You have never made a turkey before????

Well the past week we were quite lazy!

But now it's time to get down to business. This weekend was full of shopping, cleaning and getting everything ready for Thanksgiving! We will be hosting it this year for the first time. We used to go to two Thanksgiving dinners every year and it was just too much. It will be nice to relax at home this year.  We will be making the turkey, stuffing and Ryan's dish: root vegetable. Everything else will be brought over by the rest of the family.

As you can see the root vegetable aren't Tim's favorite.

I have never made a turkey or stuffing before so this should be interesting. When I told Ryan that fun fact he lovingly said " Sometimes dating you is like dating an infant" I guess at 30 years old this is something I should know how to do......

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Movin on up!!!!

The one word that sums up this week is BUSY!!!! I finally got my promotion at work and I have moved to my new desk. Here it is:

I know it's not much but I'll find a way to spruce it up a bit.... If only I could paint the walls.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Here we go!!!


 I've been obsessed with blogs lately (decorating blogs, cooking blogs, baby blogs, blogs about living in Cleveland, animal blogs and fashion blogs) so I have decided to start my very own blog. I'm sure it will be a mixture of all the things I like reading in other peoples blogs, minus the baby stuff (someday I'll get to that). Plus it's a really good way to share stories and pictures with friends and family that we don't see that often. Here are the people and animals that make up my household and who I'm sure you will hear a lot about in the future.......

Ryan, the boyfriend

Tim, my brother and our roommate

Ruby, our soon to be 2 year old boxer/rottweiler mix

Lucy, our 5 month old chocolate lab (who is probably about 20lbs heavier now)


Buckeye aka Mr. Bucks and Ryan's sworn enemy

 Well I'm off to my parents for dinner, Dad is making meatloaf tonight!